
Here at Holistic Health & Herbs, my mission is to help people be the best version of themselves.  To regain and maintain their wellbeing, to live pain-free, happy and healthy lives using Naturopathy, Nutritional Medicine and Western Herbal Medicine.

Naturopathic medicine is an alternative and complementary option for those who seek a holistic approach to their health. 

 Many natural and traditional therapies are incorporated within Naturopathy.  These include nutrition, herbs, stress management techniques, energetics such as homeopathy and flower essences.  These natural therapies are non-toxic, non-invasive and aid the body’s innate self-healing abilities to restore balance and vitality. 




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Herbs have been used traditionally for thousands of years to treat and heal ailments and disease.   A large section of the world still use herbal medicine as their primary source of healthcare as they are effective, affordable, closely correspond to the patient’s ideology, allays concerns about the adverse effects of chemical (synthetic) medicines and can be personalized to the individual and their healthcare needs.



We all eat to live but it is what we eat that is vitaly important.  All food has different nutrients so if we are not eating a wide variety of nutrient dense fresh fruits and vegetables and eating too many processed or refined foods we may be missing out on many essential vitamins and minerals.  Deficiences of these nutrients can have profound affects on our body’s and can contribute to hormone imbalances, muscle pain and headaches.



Flower essences are dilute, potentized herbal infusions or decoctions, prepared from wildflowers or pristine garden blossoms. They are energetics, where the energy of the flower is imprinted onto the water.  Flower essences work on an emotional level and are catalysts for emotional change, they work by stimulating awareness.  They can help the patient feel clearer, calmer, or better able to cope depending on the individual need and flower/s chosen. 


Naturopathic Appointment

Initial Consultation

Typically between 60-90mins

During our initial consultation I will conduct a full case history, go over any presenting symptoms and conduct routine testing as necessary.  These tests include nail and tongue analysis, zinc status test, BP and pulse testing.  Further functional pathology testing may also be required.  A personalised treatment plan will then be implemented which may include dietary, herbal, flower essence, nutritional and lifestyle components.

See below for more details


Nutritional Appointment

Initial Consultation

Typically betwen 60-90mins

During our initial nutritional consultation a full case history will be taken along with an analysis of dietary goals and deficiencies.  Functional pathology testing may be ordered if deemed necessary.  An individualised nutritional diet and meal plan (including recipes as needed) will be then be formulated to meet clients' personalised dietary needs, tastes and goals.

See below for further details


Followup Appointment

Follow-up consultation

Typically between 30-45 mins

Our follow-up consultation may be conducted anywhere between 1-4 weeks after initial consult depending on clients needs and presenting symptoms.  This is where we review and monitor any changes or new symptoms and discuss any test results.  We will then tweak the treatment or dietary plan (depending on type of followup consult) and make adjustments as necessary.

See below for more details



Water (H2O)

Water (H2O)

Water Our body weight is approximately 60 percent water and uses water in every cell, organ, and tissue to help regulate temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Because your body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it's important to...

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Benefits of Coconut Oil

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil Coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils to consume, with more than a dozen scientifically-proven health benefits.  It's antioxidant properties have been shown to boost brain function after only one dose.  Studies support this showing that one tablespoon...

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Zinc Your body relies on zinc for many functions including growth, maintenance, hormone creation and balance. Even though we don’t need zinc in great amounts, it is an ‘essential’ nutrient which means your body needs it to stay healthy but is unable to produce it so...

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Water (H2O)

Water (H2O)

Water Our body weight is approximately 60 percent water and uses water in every cell, organ, and tissue to help regulate temperature and maintain other bodily functions. Because your body loses water through breathing, sweating, and digestion, it's important to...

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil Coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils to consume, with more than a dozen scientifically-proven health benefits.  It's antioxidant properties have been shown to boost brain function after only one dose.  Studies support this showing that one tablespoon...



Zinc Your body relies on zinc for many functions including growth, maintenance, hormone creation and balance. Even though we don’t need zinc in great amounts, it is an ‘essential’ nutrient which means your body needs it to stay healthy but is unable to produce it so...

What People Are Saying

“Anne was very thorough in all aspects of her investigations to get to the bottom of my underlying ailment.  Her patient, understanding manner put me at ease immediately.   I have no hesitation recommending her services, my health has never been better.”


Remedial Massage Therapist

“Thank you so much Anne, you are great at what you do. I have been recommending you to everyone I know.  Changing just a few things has made such a big difference, Im feeling better every day.  I now have the tools to stay healthy and active into my old age”


Retired School Teacher

“Anne your knowledge around hormones, imbalances and menopause has been a godsend.  I no longer suffer from moodswings, muscle pain or hot flushes.  Can’t thank you enough and recommend anyone feeling the effects of menopause to make an appointment.”


Sales Manager

Peri-menopause - Menopause?

Do you experience any of the following!


  • Hot flushes
  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue
  • Low libido
  • Increased abdominal fat
  • Dry skin
  • Mood swings
  • Night sweats
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Menstrual irregularity
  • Dizziness or headaches
  • Insomnia

It doesn’t have to be this way.

The transition into menopause should be a period of ease and reflection.

You are moving into a new phase of your life where you should be able to finally take some well deserved time out for yourself.

Instead, all too often I see women suffer through some or all of these symptoms thinking this is normal.

Having personally been through this transition,  I found that looking after my health and nutrition, having good hormonal balance long before peri-menopause began really helped me allay these symptoms.

Peri-menopause refers to the natural transition your body makes towards menopause, where oestrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate as they begin to decline, slowly marking the end of the reproductive years.

Peri-menopause can occur at different ages, though usually occurs in your late 40’s.  The duration of this transition is on average around 4 years.

By tweaking diet and lifestyle, ensuring adequate nutrient levels and hormones are well balanced, good stress and relaxation techniques are incorporated I can help you breeze through this next and exciting phase of your life.

Please don’t hesitate to give me a call and let me help make your journey an easy one.

YOU deserve it.



'health and healing the natural way'

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